[FIXED]Notes Disappear Upon Updating to v5.3

Issue :

Upon upgrading app to the latest released version i.e.5.3, the notes on the shelf seem to disappear completely. (Pls be rest assured that your notes have not been deleted. Do not delete the app in the meanwhile)

Reason :

This happens due to a bug in the system which will show up on all devices that are not using the iCloud sync feature

Resolution :

Our developers have identified & fixed an issue in this regard and submitted an emergency release to Apple. 

It will be live in one business day, after which you may update your app to find back your notes in it. 

In the meanwhile, pls do not delete your app as this will cause permanent deletion of notes. 

NOTE : You can continue to take notes on the app in the interim. They will also appear along with your old notes when this version is Live.

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