Adding Pages
There are 2 ways to add a new page to your documents:
- Tap on the Plus icon and select the Add Page option from there.
- Tap on the thumbnail overview tool at the bottom left of the screen then tap on Add Page tool (Plus icon) to add a page.
Add Sections
Add sections to your document to classify notes that are under different topics. Tap on the Plus icon and select Add Section tool.
Arranging Pages
You can organize pages by doing the following:
- Organize the order of pages of your document, just tap on the document overview tool on the left bottom side of the screen (multi-page icon) then select a page & do a drag & drop gesture on the page to rearrange it accordingly.
- Duplicate a page from the document overview tool. Double tap on a selected page then choose Duplicate Page.
- Delete a page by double tapping on it and selecting Delete Page.