Use iCloud

Enable iCloud
Using iCloud will secure your latest Whink data, just in case you've accidentally lost some documents or if you want to transfer your documents into a new iPad. 

You can enable iCloud by doing the following:

1. If you just downloaded the Whink app, walk through the welcome screen until you see the Sync with iCloud option. Choose Yes to enable iCloud.
2. Otherwise, just go to your iPad's Settings app then scroll down until you see the Whink app.
3. Select Whink then tap on Use iCloud to enable it.

If you want to share your Whink notebooks and documents to other 3rd party apps, export it as a PDF format. Click here to learn export a document to other 3rd party apps.

Restoring Data
To restore backed up data into your iPad, just enable iCloud first by going to your iPad Settings. Then on the same screen, scroll down until you see the Whink app. Tap on it and you will see on the right side the Whink settings, tap on it to enable iCloud and your documents will automatically sync to Whink.

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